تصنيف:Translated Terms
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صفحات تصنيف «Translated Terms»
الصفحات 200 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 3,961.
(الصفحة السابقة) (الصفحة التالية)A
- techdict:Abort
- techdict:Abortive release
- techdict:Abscissa
- techdict:Absolute
- techdict:Absolute address
- techdict:Absolute path
- techdict:Absolute pathname
- techdict:Abstract
- techdict:Abstract class
- techdict:Abstract data type
- techdict:Abstract datatype
- techdict:Abstract interpretation
- techdict:Abstract machine
- techdict:Abstract method
- techdict:Abstract syntax
- techdict:Abstract syntax tree
- techdict:Abstraction
- techdict:Accelerator
- techdict:Accent
- techdict:Accept
- techdict:Acceptance testing
- techdict:Access
- techdict:Access control list
- techdict:Access level
- techdict:Access memory
- techdict:Access point
- techdict:Accessibility
- techdict:Accessible
- techdict:Accessory
- techdict:Account
- techdict:Accounting management
- techdict:Accumulator
- techdict:Accuracy
- techdict:Acknowledgment
- techdict:Acquire
- techdict:Action
- techdict:Activate
- techdict:Active
- techdict:Activity
- techdict:Actor
- techdict:Actuator
- techdict:Adapt
- techdict:Adapter
- techdict:Adaptive answering
- techdict:Adaptive learning
- techdict:Adaptive routing
- techdict:Add
- techdict:Add-in
- techdict:Additional
- techdict:Additive
- techdict:Address
- techdict:Address book
- techdict:Address bus
- techdict:Addressee
- techdict:Addressing
- techdict:Adjacency
- techdict:Adjacent
- techdict:Adjust
- techdict:Admin
- techdict:Administration
- techdict:Administrative
- techdict:Administrator
- techdict:Advance
- techdict:Advanced
- techdict:Affix
- techdict:Agenda
- techdict:Aggregate
- techdict:Aggregate type
- techdict:Aggregation
- techdict:Aggregator
- techdict:Aging
- techdict:Agree
- techdict:Agreement
- techdict:Airbrush
- techdict:Alarm
- techdict:Alarm clock
- techdict:Aleph
- techdict:Alert
- techdict:Alert box
- techdict:Algebraic data type
- techdict:Algebraic structure
- techdict:Algorism
- techdict:Algorithm
- techdict:Alias
- techdict:Aliasing
- techdict:Aliasing bug
- techdict:Align
- techdict:Alignment
- techdict:Allocate
- techdict:Allow
- techdict:Alpha
- techdict:Alpha channel
- techdict:Alphanumeric
- techdict:ALSA
- techdict:Alter
- techdict:Alteration
- techdict:Alternating
- techdict:Alternative
- techdict:Amount
- techdict:Amper
- techdict:Amplify
- techdict:Amplitude
- techdict:Analog
- techdict:Analogue computer
- techdict:Analysis
- techdict:Anchor
- techdict:Anchoring
- techdict:AND
- techdict:Angle
- techdict:Angle bracket
- techdict:Animate
- techdict:Animation
- techdict:Annotate
- techdict:Annotation
- techdict:Announce
- techdict:Announcement
- techdict:Anonymous
- techdict:Answer mode
- techdict:Anti virus
- techdict:Anti-aliasing
- techdict:Antialias
- techdict:Antialiasing
- techdict:Antisymmetric
- techdict:Antivirus
- techdict:Antivirus software
- techdict:Anytime algorithm
- techdict:API
- techdict:Apostrophe
- techdict:Appear
- techdict:Append
- techdict:Applet
- techdict:Application
- techdict:Application Launcher
- techdict:Apply
- techdict:Appointment
- techdict:Approval
- techdict:Approve
- techdict:Approved
- techdict:Approximate
- techdict:Approximation algorithm
- techdict:Arabization
- techdict:Arbitrary
- techdict:Arc
- techdict:Architecture
- techdict:Archive
- techdict:Archive site
- techdict:Archiving
- techdict:Area
- techdict:Area grid
- techdict:Arena
- techdict:Argument
- techdict:Arity
- techdict:Arrange
- techdict:Arrangement
- techdict:Array
- techdict:Arrow
- techdict:Arrow key
- techdict:Arrowhead
- techdict:Article
- techdict:Artificial intelligence
- techdict:Artificial neural network
- techdict:Ascender
- techdict:Ascending
- techdict:Ascending order
- techdict:Ascii
- techdict:Aspect
- techdict:Aspect ratio
- techdict:Aspect-oriented programming
- techdict:Assembler
- techdict:Assembly code
- techdict:Assembly language
- techdict:Assertion
- techdict:Asset management
- techdict:Assignment
- techdict:Assignment problem
- techdict:Assistant
- techdict:Associative array
- techdict:Associative memory
- techdict:Asymmetric
- techdict:Asymmetrical
- techdict:Asynchronous
- techdict:Asynchronous logic
- techdict:At sign
- techdict:Atom
- techdict:Atomic
- techdict:Attach
- techdict:Attachment
- techdict:Attempt
- techdict:Attribute
- techdict:Audio
- techdict:Audiographic
- techdict:Audiographic teleconferencing
- techdict:Audit
- techdict:Authentication
- techdict:Authentication ticket
- techdict:Authenticity
- techdict:Author
- techdict:Authorization
- techdict:Auto
- techdict:Autocompletion