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Muhammad Alkarouri

  • مترجم
الوضعية الحالية غير نشِط
الصفحة الشخصية http://www.geocities.com/karouri
مَن أنا
I am a teaching assistant at the Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,University of Khartoum. My main interests are reading and programming, beside a few other ones. I am specially interested in fields like distributed computing, high performance computing, and networking. Having fair knowledge in programming and networking, I have worked as a programmer, network engineer, and Linux network administrator for a number for institutions. I am currently the administrator for the Faculty of Engineering and the 'de-facto' administrator for the university (if I may say so;) I use mainly red hat linux, but I have used mandrake a little and I used debian and was facinated by it, though it would take time to change. I have (a little more than) seen solaris and freebsd..
البلد الأصل السودان
بلد الإقامة المملكة المتحدة
مفتاح پي‌جي‌پي العمومي