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View Todo #68


2003-06-29 10:13:32 by Haydar Alkaduhimi (haydar)


2003-10-27 02:21:05 by Haydar Alkaduhimi (haydar)



Priority Normal
State InProgress
Level Average
Assigned To All
Due Date 2003-06-29
Description Completing programs in extra directory.
Details Programs in the extra directory are basic small programs to help hde such as: hDisplay: to configure backgrounds and titlebars.... hDateTime: it should configure DateAndTime using a calender and a clock, but it does not change anything yet. hadditem: it should add a desktop Item, but not yet finished. deskitem: it should show the information about the desktop Item. The problem is that i am to busy with the distribution, hfm and many other programs such as hdeadmin which will be in the cvs as soon as possible. If anybody like to help, please do.