Financial transactions

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Financial Records (since 2001-07-29)

Arabeyes in keeping with its transparent policy is fully divulging all its financial translations below (both donations and expenditures). The donors' names are listed below unless specific instructions or requests were made to remain anonymous. All Figures are in US dollar.

[Balance, previous pages $0.00]
[Balance, current page $262.00]
[Balance Total in account $262.00]
Date Type Amount Donor
2002-01-07 Deposit 10.00 Anonymous
--------------- Via Paypal
2002-07-02 Deposit 10.00 Hisham Elzubeir
--------------- Via Paypal
2002-08-05 Deposit 50.00 Kamal Dalal
--------------- Via Paypal
2002-08-15 Deposit 5.00 Trent Geerdes
--------------- Via Paypal
2002-11-02 Withdrawal 73.00 For Harddisk
--------------- From Paypal
2003-08-12 Deposit 10.00 Glenn Williams
--------------- Via Paypal
2003-09-05 Deposit 200.00 Ahmad Al-Rasheedan
--------------- General Fund Donation
2005-02-14 Deposit 50.00 Glenn Williams
--------------- General fund wire transfer

Balance in Account $262.00