Here is a general guideline or description of what a translation coordinator's job entails. The coordinator will have to:
Assess current and future capabilities of the people present and their commitment level (know what volunteers will accomplish and make a distinction between the guy/gal putting 30-hours aweek vs. the one putting 2-hours). This assessment is to be revisited at least once a month.
Set a plan in motion detailing how the intended work will be completed with the current man-power (or lack thereof). The plan is to be revisited and refined once a month.
The plan will note priority of files (which ones need to be translated first).
The plan will divide up the work so that if/when people volunteer they can hit the ground running and know what to tackle and what not to touch.
The plan will also note milestones that should be met to account for the project deadlines (ie. KDE-3.2 or GNOME-2.4 releases, etc).
The plan will conclude with a schedule of tasks (broadly). This has to be reported on the corresponding task list on Arabeyes website, so that people know who is working on what and thus newcomers can choose easily a task that fit them.
Keep the respective webpages (on upto date with regards to info and priorities as well as status.
Status will be sent to the 'doc' list once a month (exact date is project specific). The status file will be of the following format (to ease reading),
Done past month (Feb 2003 - Mar 2003):
Did this.
Did that.
Todo next month (Mar 2003 - Apr 2003):
Finish this.
Start on that.
Need a script for this.
Need CVS account for such-n-such person.
Deadline: KDE release on May 6, 2003.
To publicly recruit for their respective projects. The coordinators main tasks beyond planning, executing and formulating a path to success will be to staff their teams. This means the coordinators will be asked to recruit people to help them (this means they'll be expected to post solicitations on various sites for help and for people's assistance). Coordinators are also responsible for motivating their staff and making life interesting for them :-)