
من ويكي عربآيز
نسخة 14:47، 7 فبراير 2017 للمستخدم WikiBot (ناقش | مساهمات) (استبدال النص - '[http://projects.arabeyes.org/people.php?username=hosny hosny]' ب'خالد حسني')
اذهب إلى: تصفح، ابحث

This project aims at building an Open Source (GPL) wordlist to be used in public dictionaries for both online and local use. This dictionary's main focus is to present a means to translate a very broad range of English terms to Arabic. This wordlist/dictionary's focus is a general one and is not specific to any field.

Start Date: Jul 11, 2002

53% done.


أسامة خياط


خالد حسني :: Nadim Shaikli :: Ahmad Al Rasheedan :: Mohammed Gamal

Mailing List:


Project's Git

Git Snapshot

Wordlist's Logo


  • Categories, per term, need to be added.
  • 'Z' is 100% complete.




No public todos.

History Log

(Jun 27, 2006)

Wordlist grows in size by adding 38,400 new terms as noted in this post.

(Mar 15, 2004)

Wordlist is publicly released as version 0.6.1 (87,486 terms).

  • New term additions for U -> Z
  • Letters A and Z have multiple tranlations denoted by "::"

(Nov 03, 2003)

A public release of wordlist-0.6 is made (86,579 terms).

(Sep 06, 2003)

Wordlist is publicly released as version 0.5 (83,589 terms).

(Aug 28, 2003)

Letter files A --> Z have been completed for round-1. We are to start phase-2.

(Aug 09, 2003)

Letter files A --> O & W --> Z have been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Aug 08, 2003)

Letter files A --> O & X --> Z have been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Aug 07, 2003)

Letter files A --> N & X --> Z have been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Aug 04, 2003)

Letter file L has been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Aug 02, 2003)

Letter files I, J, K have been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Jul 30, 2003)

Letter file H has been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Jul 27, 2003)

Letter files A, B, C, D, E, F, G, X, Y & Z have been completed for round-1 (review to follow).

(Jul 22, 2003)

The following thread notes current status and a possible completion date.

(Jul 11, 2003)

Ahmad Al-Rasheedan roars in with a pledge and a commitment to assist and does so by starting from letter 'A' and goes down the list.

(Apr 18, 2003)

Munzir Obeid joins the team and takes on letter 'M' with the promise to do more later.

(Apr 03, 2003)

The one dictionary file is broken up into seperate per latin letter (A, B, C, etc) files to reduce upload time and minimize conflicts.

(Jan 09, 2003)

أسامة خياط joins in and contributes with his exceptional translations.

(Jul 11, 2002)

In a quest to kick-off the dictionary/full_wordlist project Nadim Shaikli uploads the initial dictionary file,

  • 88,474 terms
  • (67,023 done; 21,451 todo) -- [75.8% done; 24.2% left]
The email annoucement is noted here