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Description Fixes composing/combining characters.
Start date Dec 30, 2001
Maintainer Munzir Obeid
Contributors No contributors
Status Inactive
Mailing list Develop
Version control


Although all the patches provided here are submitted to their respective authors, it is not a gurantee of their inclusion in future releases.




No public todos.

History Log

(Nov 27, 2002)

Isam Bayazidi notes that the LyX patch was accepted into LyX's CVS tree (to be Incorporated into their next release). Isam notes he'll be looking into fixing the complex letters (combining) issue within LyX.

(Nov 16, 2002)

عصام بايزيدي modifies the LyX patch so that it reflects recent changes to LyX 1.2.1 Isam notes that he will work on getting those changes accepted into the main LyX tree next.

(Apr 01, 2002)

Arabic keymap in LyX =< 1.2 is faulty, the complex letter keys are also missing. Arabic Language symbol is wrong (it is ar_SA).
Isam Bayazidi has put his patches on CVS.