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This page is an archive since the information provided is not up to date. You are welcome to dust off the content. Do not hesitate to contact the previous authors for more information. The page is kept for now for historical purposes.


Start date Jan 22, 2004
Maintainer أسامة خياط
Contributors Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj
Status Inactive
Mailing list Doc
Version control

This project's aim is to have Mandriva Linux totally translated to Arabic, so that the user gets Arabic out of the box, starting with the installation menu.

The PO files need to be reviewed constantly in order to translate the new/fuzzied strings, correct them if necessary and in order to standardize the translation based on QAC's recommendations and directives.

Quality Assurance is taking place, aim is Mandriva Linux 2006 and beyond.



History Log

(Aug 19, 2005)

أسامة خياط replaces Youcef Rahal as Translation Coordinator.

(Feb 18, 2005)

Translation is finally 100% for Mandrakelinux 10.2! We achieved our goal. Thanks to Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj and special thanks to أسامة خياط who, as usual, did the majority of the work.

(Jan 24, 2005)

Arabic translators receive VIP Mandrakeclub accounts for translating Mandrakelinux 10.1!

(Apr 27, 2004)

After three months of hard work, we have finally translated 100% of the strings !
Many thanks to all who contributed to this achievement, and special thanks to أسامة خياط :-)
The next step is Quality Assurance: inspect the files, correct and make the translation consistent.
More info on this thread.

(Jan 22, 2004)

Youcef Rahal imported today PO Files to CVS. See this thread for more details.
Translators needed !