تصنيف:مصطلحات غير مترجمة
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صفحات تصنيف «مصطلحات غير مترجمة»
الصفحات 200 التالية مصنّفة بهذا التصنيف، من إجمالي 1,990.
(الصفحة السابقة) (الصفحة التالية)D
- techdict:Dial-up link
- techdict:Dialer
- techdict:Differential driver
- techdict:Diges
- techdict:Digi-
- techdict:Digital citizenship
- techdict:Digital dashboard
- techdict:Diplex
- techdict:Direct virtual
- techdict:Directed acyclic graph
- techdict:Directional coupler
- techdict:Disc drive
- techdict:Discrete cosine transform
- techdict:Discrete preorder
- techdict:Disk Image
- techdict:Disk striping
- techdict:Diskless workstation
- techdict:Disman
- techdict:Display Manager
- techdict:Display standard
- techdict:Distributed computing
- techdict:Diverge
- techdict:DNS
- techdict:Domain calculus
- techdict:Domain model
- techdict:Dotted quad
- techdict:Downgrade
- techdict:Downstream
- techdict:Downward closed
- techdict:Drakconf
- techdict:Draw object(s)
- techdict:Drawer
- techdict:Drop
- techdict:Drop cable
- techdict:Drop on the floor
- techdict:Dropdown
- techdict:Droplet
- techdict:Drugged
- techdict:Druid
- techdict:Dual ported
- techdict:Dual-attached
- techdict:DVD
- techdict:Dyadic
- techdict:Dynamically scoped
- techdict:E-ddress
- techdict:E-dress
- techdict:E-tex
- techdict:Eager evaluation
- techdict:Earliest deadline firs
- techdict:Effective computable
- techdict:Eight queens problem
- techdict:Eight queens puzzle
- techdict:Eight-bit clean
- techdict:El(alpha)
- techdict:Electronic whiteboarding
- techdict:Elevator controller
- techdict:Eliminate
- techdict:Emphasis
- techdict:Empty element tag
- techdict:End tag
- techdict:Endl
- techdict:Engage
- techdict:Enqueue
- techdict:Entity-relationship diagram
- techdict:Entity-relationship model
- techdict:Entropy
- techdict:Equational logic
- techdict:Equivalence class partitioning
- techdict:Equivalence partitioning
- techdict:Error-based testing
- techdict:Escrow
- techdict:Esim
- techdict:Eta abstraction
- techdict:Eta conversion
- techdict:Eta expansion
- techdict:Eta reduction
- techdict:Ethernet
- techdict:Evaluation strategy
- techdict:Evaluator
- techdict:Event-driven
- techdict:Evolutionary computation
- techdict:Exa-
- techdict:Exception handler
- techdict:Exception handling
- techdict:Excl
- techdict:Existential quantifier
- techdict:Expanded memory manager
- techdict:Expanded memory page frame
- techdict:Explicit parallelism
- techdict:Explicit state
- techdict:Explicit type conversion
- techdict:Expression tree
- techdict:Extended
- techdict:Extended memory manager
- techdict:Extensible database
- techdict:Extensional
- techdict:Extensional equality
- techdict:Extensionality
- techdict:Extent
- techdict:Factor
- techdict:Failback
- techdict:Failfast
- techdict:Failover resource
- techdict:Failure fencing
- techdict:Failure-directed testing
- techdict:Fall forward
- techdict:Fall over
- techdict:Fall through
- techdict:Fall thru
- techdict:False
- techdict:Farkled
- techdict:Fat binary
- techdict:Fat client
- techdict:Fatal exception
- techdict:Fault monitor
- techdict:Fault tolerant
- techdict:Fault tree analysis
- techdict:Fault-based testing
- techdict:Feasible
- techdict:Feature creep
- techdict:Feed-forward
- techdict:Feedback control
- techdict:Feeper
- techdict:Femto-
- techdict:Fetch-execute cycle
- techdict:Fetchmail
- techdict:Field-programmable gate array
- techdict:Field-replaceable
- techdict:Fiery
- techdict:File (verb)
- techdict:Filing system
- techdict:Fill-out form
- techdict:Finite differencing
- techdict:Finite state machine
- techdict:Firmware
- techdict:Firmy
- techdict:First class module
- techdict:First normal form
- techdict:Fixed point
- techdict:Fixed point combinator
- techdict:Fixpoint
- techdict:Flamage
- techdict:Flame
- techdict:Flame off
- techdict:Flamewar
- techdict:Flaming
- techdict:Flap
- techdict:Flapping router
- techdict:Flash disk
- techdict:Flash memory
- techdict:Flat address space
- techdict:Flat color
- techdict:Flat file
- techdict:Flat thunk
- techdict:Flatten
- techdict:Flip
- techdict:Flip-flop
- techdict:Flipped classroom
- techdict:Floating head
- techdict:Floating point underflow
- techdict:Floating underflow
- techdict:Floating-point accelerator
- techdict:Floating-point arithmetic
- techdict:Flow of control
- techdict:Flush
- techdict:Fly page
- techdict:Flytrap
- techdict:Focus group
- techdict:Fold
- techdict:Fold case
- techdict:Follow-on bus
- techdict:Follow-up
- techdict:FOMO
- techdict:Foo
- techdict:Foobar
- techdict:Foogol
- techdict:Foot-net
- techdict:Footprint
- techdict:For
- techdict:For loop
- techdict:Fora
- techdict:Foreign key
- techdict:Forge
- techdict:Form factor
- techdict:Form feed
- techdict:Formal argument
- techdict:Formal methods
- techdict:Formal review
- techdict:Forward analysis
- techdict:Forward chaining
- techdict:Forward delta
- techdict:Forward engineering
- techdict:Forwarding
- techdict:Forwards compatibility
- techdict:Forwards compatible
- techdict:FOSS
- techdict:Four colour map theorem
- techdict:Four colour theorem
- techdict:Four-colour glossies
- techdict:Fourth normal form