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Archive.svg Archive
This page is an archive since the information provided is not up to date. You are welcome to dust off the content. Do not hesitate to contact the previous authors for more information. The page is kept for now for historical purposes.


Start date Jan 07, 2005
Maintainer Mohammed Elzubeir
Contributors Abdulaziz Al-Arfaj :: Arafat Medini :: أسامة خياط
Status Inactive
Mailing list Doc
Version control

This project aims to have a full translation for the Plone Content Management System by translating strings in certain files (called *.po files) to Arabic. This is done by translating Messages used in the Plone CMS (POT --> PO).


History Log

(Jan 20, 2005)

With the help of some of our seasoned translators, we now have a fully translated Plone PO.

(Jan 07, 2005)

Elzubeir imports the plone PO to kick-start translation efforts.