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This page describes what is the QAC and its way of work etc.


QAC stands for Quality Assurance Commitee. It was founded on January 22, 2004. The objectives of the committee are:

  • Standardization of Arabic translations of interfaces, documents, etc.
  • Review of the quality of translations and Arabic documentation
  • The settings of procedures to follow to attain goals as the committee sees fit

Work Method

QacDiscussions is a common place for QAC members to use as a whiteboard for brainstorming. However, once an agreement is made it is placed in QacDecisions and will be used as the guide for all translations. It is highly recommended that all QAC members subscribe to the QacDiscussions page.


QAC holds periodic meetings to discuss relevant issues. QacAgenda and QacMinutes provide the public a window into the proceedings of those meetings and their outcome.

Current Members

The following is a (always tentative) list of the current QacMembers.

  • AbdulazizAlarfaj
  • ArafatMedini
  • AymanHourieh
  • OssamaKhayat

The roles and duties of each individual member are noted in QacRoles.

QAC Plan

No plan agreed upon by all as of yet.